• Unknown Known

    I’ve been struggling with setting up this blog. I still think this looks ugly. The font isn’t as big on mobile… I don’t know. And I don’t have the time to study HTML or CSS. I just want to have some place to write and ‘challenge’ myself to do it publicly. In any case, I… (…)

  • On Systems

    The best system is any system that works. The best system is any system you use. The best system is any system that works for you. And finally, there is no best system. I don’t know where I read that spending money on the tools you are going to use is a good idea. I… (…)

  • First post syndrome

    I guess it’s only appropriate that my first post on micro.blog is about micro.blog. I think this recursive and solipsistic rhetoric device is common when you don’t know what to write about. Writing about writing is very adolescent thing one does, extending far beyond adolescence unfortunately. Then one gets into the “zone” and actually writes… (…)

  • Brute Google Searches

    I’m a fan of what I can only call “brute google searches”. I say Google, but it could be any search engine. In the beginning, knowing the Google search operators gave you an undeniable advantage compared to normie internet users. But now the algorithm has changed so much that the best results are “brute google… (…)

  • A lurking romantic

    I swiped right on a woman who was stunning but in a please-meet-my-parents way. Her bio mentioned she was a journalist (check) and a poli-sci major (check). She didn’t wear excessive makeup in her photos (check). She lives nearby (CHECK). After I swiped right, I realized I was in love with her. I couldn’t go… (…)

  • Random thoughts

    I remember I used to think in English when I lived as a kid in the US. I wish I had some of that back. I wish I could still speak like that. When I came back to Argentina, it wasn’t as if I picked up Spanish and became great at both languages. I always… (…)

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